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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Giftie Swap

Have been saving this since early fall when I actually made these little ornaments for a giftie swap on one of my lists!! I gold embossed on polished stone cardstock. I made an effort to leave a halo area at the top for the candle on each of the ornaments. I packaged the stamped cardstock into a portrait name tag holder and added a 2007 tag along with a colourful fiber hanger. I hope everyone enjoyed them.

I am so happy with the wonderful gifties I got back in this swap!! Thanks to you all - you know who you are!! - for the wonderful gifts!!

This is my last art of 2007!! Very happy with how well blogging has gone this year and am looking forward to 2008 and adding some features to my blog!!


Thank you cards

Have some of this wonderful paper sitting on my desk from my last class so incorporated it into a few cards!!

I added a silver snowflake to the second one!! I used the Martha Stewart punch snowflake punch. I see that she must have two designs out because my daughter sent wonderful gingersnap cookies with our Christmas parcel and had snowflakes punched out of the packaging and it is a different design. I will have to do some swapping with her for my Christmas cards for next year!!

Thank you cards

Another very different look with the same decorative paper!! I bought the SU baroque motif before Christmas and have been itching to use it!! Worked quite nicely with the paper in this layout!!


Thank you cards

A totally different look with the same decorative paper!!


Thank you cards

Another card made with the second generation from the POD technique!! The white greeting was stamped in white pigment ink and then embossed with white embossing powder. Love that wrought iron corner punch!!


Thank you cards

I like the use of the three different pieces in this layout! The white lettering and brads stand out nicely!! This is a second generation from the flower POD.


Thank you cards

This card features the decorative paper I made with the trees stamp as well. It is layered onto yellow and then onto dark green. I used the SU large oval punch to make a hole to reveal the greeting. The greeting is stamped on ivory and it needed a bit of stippling to soften its look and work better in the design. Quick and easy once you have your decorative paper made so make a few sheets when you have your supplies out!!

I made three - the flowers, the trees and the hearts and made up the second generation ones as well so I had a nice little stack to work with for these cards.


Thank you cards

I used trees - Magenta - to make this paper along with fall colours paints. Happen to find the center medallion in my 'Extra images" envelope and it worked perfectly to tie the desing together. I beleive the medallion design is also Magenta.
I like to make larger pieces when making decorative paper so I can use them in different shapes and sizes!! The greeting is laser printed and then stippled with green to coordinate with this card!


Thank you cards

More Thank you cards! Similar to layouts I have done in the past. The center portion of this card is the second generation of the "Pressing out the details" I mentioned in the previous posts which I added more stamping and colour to! Makes for three or four levels of colour and intensity in the pieces which I really like. Used a push pin over a small double layer of fun foam to pierce the scallops. I like the sort of eyelet look of that technique. You could use an old mouse pad or some styrofoam under the cardstock instead of the double fun foam. These could easily have been made into Valentine's cards!!


Thank you cards

I have managed to get all of my Thank you cards made for the blessings we have received over the holiday season!! It is fun to be able to do just any fun thing. I made this "Pressing out the details" paper in preparation for a class I will be teaching in February - more about that later! I was more specific about where I applied my colour to accentuate the resist flowers than I have been in the past when making this resist paper. Olayed with punches as well. The "Thank you" is a new small SeeD set I bought while I was away at Christmas!!
I hope all had a wonderful holiday season and I wish you many blessings over the course of 2008!!
