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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My Art - guy cards

A couple more guy cards. On the first I layered a watercoloured
baseball image onto a piece of "caught in a crystal" background paper!! Added a bit of a ribbon and a tag. I used the horizontal slot punch (SU) to cut a very slight slot on the spine so I could pass my ribbon through. I like to use a punch to make a slot or hole on the spine for ribbon or fiber because it cuts so cleanly.

To do this just hold your punch upside down so you can see the paper through the punch hole. Line up the spine edge so the punch just barely catches the edge. Will nicely cut a slot for your ribbon. If needing a hole for fiber I usually use a round hole punch the appropriate size. Again, hold the punch upside down so you can see how much of the spine you are punching. Usually, about 1/4-1/2 of the hole is sufficient for passing your fibers through.

On the second I used several elements and combined them in an interesting layout. I added some track in front of the train with a black marker, watercoloured the image and then cut out. The lake scene I watercoloured, trimmed and layered onto black. I layered the black colour printed greeting on black and then created an interactive layout with them. It was fun to play and rearrange until it "worked"!! Just glued all the elements to a testured white card.

Try using your images in a way you have not done before. Cutting them out, stamping in a different colour, using only part of a image, etc. It makes for more versatility with the stamps you already have and a different look to your layouts. It is good to step outside the box - our own or someone else's - to see what is possible. If something really doesn't work out put them in your serendipity or collage box for addition to some later work of art!!


My Art - Guy cards

Guy cards can be a challenge for some so I am sharing the few I made this afternoon. I happened upon this wonderful gift wrap a while back and thought the colours were great and it would be good for guy cards, driving & auto projects or layouts. I have used the paper as a background and featured old automobiles. These stamped images were received several years ago in a "male images" swap and it has been great to use them for cards!! I watercoloured the images and then cut them out to layer them. To the first I added sticker letters for "birthday" and stamped "happy" with rubber. On the second one I handwrote the greeting in black beneath the car. On the third I used a small greeting (SU) and stamped directly on the image.

I have missed watercolouring in the last few months. I have used other techniques but I still really like the look of watercoloured images.
