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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Stash busting - a card from bits from way back

I found the pieces of these card in my long time ago stash and am not sure why I did not make it up at the time of creating the pieces but I finally made them into a card.  The image was inked with two colours and stamped onto ivory cardstock which was hand cut on the right hand side with a bit of wave.  I added the red layer which was also cut with a bit of a wave to the back on the right hand side. Thinking it still needed a bit of something I added a few lines of piercing with my pattern tracing wheel.  Fun!!  I layered this large element onto a coordinating green card.  Digging through my stash I found this greeting which coordinated perfectly so I sponged its edges with green and punched another label (Decorative Label -SU) from red cardstock, cut it in half vertically and mounted each half on either side of it and mounted it to my card using 3D foam tape. Perfect!!          Therese