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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Christmas cards with embossed foil gift wrap, fiber ribbon and colour printed images

For these two cards I glued foil gift wrap (Community Christmas Dinner gift) to scrap paper and then embossed it with a poinsettia embossing folder (SU) before trimming them to size for my red cards.  On the first one, I added the green fiber ribbon to the card after adhering the background to the card.  I layered the Christmas image -Joyeux Noel - from my stash onto red and then mounted it to my card using 3D foam tape.  I tied an extra length of the ribbon to the right of the image.  On the second card, I added the green ribbon to the background before adhering to my card front and then tied on three lengths of red fiber as accents.  I mounted a similar image - Merry Christmas - from my stash to red cardstock before adhering it to my card front using 3D foam tape.   This paper does so well with being embossed!  Really nice cards!!           Therese