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Saturday, December 12, 2020

Sympathy card featuring a brayered background, some embossing with the raised areas highlighted with pearl embossing powder

My uncle's mother passed away at 97 a few weeks ago and so I made this card for him and my aunt.  It is never easy to lose a loved one but when they have lived a full and active life it is easier to let them go.  We were able to watch the funeral online. There were only seven people who attended which allowed for a videographer to record the event for those who could not attend in person because of age and the restrictions in place.  It is always amazing to me what some people have done in there lives and I am sure they were simply following their hearts in their every day so we must do the same.  It is encouraging!!!  

For this card I used a brayered background created using a Kaleidacolour ink pad, embossed it with a swirly bird embossing folder (CB) and then touched the raised areas with an embossing ink pad and added a pearly embossing powder.  I did it twice as the coverage the first time was too translucent.  I added a coral organza ribbon and mounted this large element on a gray card.  I layered a little sympathy greeting onto a scalloped oval punchie in gray and added it to the front of my card using 3D foam tape.  Simple and elegant!!  Therese


Refurbished a Christmas wreath with new ornaments

I finally have refurbished this wreath with new ornaments.  We purchased it many years ago and over time the glass ornaments have aged and the paint on them has cracked.  I searched last year for ones to replace them and could not really find the right colours to coordinate with the ribbon.  This year I tried again and decided to see if I could paint them.  I was successful in finding paint for the burgundy ones and was able to take them all off the wreath, paint them and put them back on.   I was not so successful with the rose/gold ones as you can see below so I had to buy replacements.  They are not perfect (plastic) but they were the right rose/gold colour.  I have decided that it is a good enough solution considering what I have available and it will last another few years. 
It was fun to spray paint the balls.  I had to use GOOP to secure them to the hangers that were fully encased in the glue that the original creator used to secure the balls to the wreath.  Because the globs were so extensive there was a lot of surface on which to apply the glue which worked really well.  
So the wreath lives on for another year or decade and I am happy.  
 The spray paint was part of a art package I purchased earlier this year and the rose/gold were purchases at a $1 locally.  You can see that the rose/gold glass ornaments are in dire shape and I am contemplating turning them into "glass glitter" .  It would be very pretty!!!!!!  The one whole ornament which I sprayed with copper paint has no hanger so may end up in the "glass glitter" .    
