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Sunday, May 09, 2021

Mother's Day card featuring a silhouette image with a sponged background, decorative paper and ribbon

I made this card for my youngest daughter for Mother's Day.  I started with the silhouette image of wild flowers laser printed on white cardstock. I masked off an area and sponged on several colour of blue ink.  I have been wanting to try this technique for so long and have yet to master it.  After removing the masks I found that it was a bit askew so I moved my masks and kept sponging on colour in lighter and lighter tones until I had reached the edges.  This was much better!!  I stamped the greeting (SU) near the top with black Versafine, ran my pattern tracing wheel around the edges and then added three little red rhinestones.  I created a black card that fit in a large envelope from my stash and  added my background (Melstampz).  I punched two slots on either side of my image and inserted a black cardstock strip to which I had adhered bright green ribbon that coordinated with my background paper.  I inserted it into the slots and then mounted this large element to my card front using 3D foam tape.  I used double sided taper to secure the ends of my strip.  

Mother's Day card featuring a wax crayon background, a watercoloured silhouette image and a paper doily

Blue is my Mom's favorite colour so I usually make her cards with some blue on them.  For this card I created a large black card that fit inside a large envelope from my stash.  I added this beautiful background paper which I created using white cardstock and wax crayons.  I laser printed the silhouette wildflower image (Dover)  onto white cardstock, trimmed it out and then added blue watercolour.  Once dry, I stamped the greeting (SU) in black Versafine near the top.  I punched a hole above and below the greeting and then inserted a black ribbon which I tied on the front with two knots and then trimmed the tails.  I trimmed a little white doily in half and added them to the top and bottom of my image before mounting this large focal element to my card front with 3D foam tape.  I did run my pattern tracing wheel on all four edges of my flower image to add some paper pierced texture but it does not show up very well in this photo.  


Mother's Day card featuring stitched fabric paper background, watercoloured silhouette image and some little ribbon flags

A card for my oldest daughter for Mother's Day.  I appreciate how both of my daughters mother their children though they each do it with their own slant and style. 

I started with a dark brown card that fit in a large envelope from my stash.  I added this fun background of fabric paper which I had stitched in an all over pattern a while back.  I printed this silhouette of wildflowers (Dover) onto white cardstock.  I trimmed it to size and added coordinating watercolour to make an interesting background for the flowers.  I stamped the little greeting (SU) in black (Versafine) near the top, punched top and bottom with the eyelet border punch (SU) and then embossed a line using my score tool.  I added three little red rhinestones on the bottom left and five little ribbon flags to the top right before mounting this large element to my card front using 3D foam tape.  


Mother's Day card featuring wildflower silhouette with a purple background, ribbon and script background

This card is one for my daughter in law.  Her daughter is about four months old and cutie!!

I started with a pink card to fit in a large envelope and added dark purple rectangles embossed the the Scripty (SU) background.  I watercoloured the silhouette of wild flowers (Dover) with purples and pink to coordinate.  I punched a couple of slots (SU) and added two little pieces of ribbon and folded them to the back of my image.  I had already stamped the Mother's Day greeting (SU) in black Versafine when I printed the image.  I added the little heart which I watercoloured to coordianate as well just below the greeting.  I mounted this large element to my card front using 3D foam tape.  
