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Thursday, July 01, 2021

Birthday card with a scrappy background and a collaged tag with some fiber and a small digital greeting

I am working on my family cards for July and decided to make some large cards again.  I started with a large brown card and created a scrappy background for it.  I found most of these pieces in a box that I had not looked in for a while.  They are mostly 12" strips which were cut off of large 12"x 12" sheets for a different project.  I started in the corner with the stripy triangle and then added the brown strip trimming to the edge of my 5.5" x 8.5" bond substrate as I went.  I added the little turquoise triangle after I was finished. I pressed the background, trimmed it to size and then adhered it to my card front.  I die cut a large tag (Elison) using a scrap of cardstock.  In a previous crafting session I had stamped a whole bunch of images from this older SU set onto white cardstock strips and miscellaneous pieces of white cardstock from my bin using Black Versafine thinking at some point they would come in handy.  I decided to use some of the candles for this card.  I trimmed a piece which fit across my tag, watercoloured the candles to coordinate with my background,  added some paper piercing with my pattern tracing wheel and then embossed two lines using my score tool.  After embellishing the flames with clear glitter I adhered this to my tag and trimmed it to the edges.  I found some handpainted paper which coordinated nicely so I trimmed off a piece and then tore it in two.  I adhered one piece to the bottom of my tag and the other to the top of it.  I trimmed the decorative paper to the edge of my tag with scissors.  It coordinates very nicely with my background. I found this little laser printed greeting (Desert Diva - digital) in my stash.  I matted it with two little scraps of cardstock - brown and light teal - and added it to the lower edge of my tag using 3D foam tape.  I punched a hole in the top of my tag and added rust and teal fiber to finish it off. Thinking it still needed " a bit of something" I added a strip of double sided tape on the back of the right hand edge and added a few small lengths of coordinating ribbons - flagging all the ends.  That was better!  I adhered my tag to my card using 3D foam tape.   It feels good to have started these cards because July is going to be busy and it is always better if the cards are ready ahead of time.  Therese