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Friday, November 05, 2021

A card with a wizard, ciphered message and some blingy stars

I have made this card for one of my grandsons.  I created a cipher for him with the key so he can decipher the message I put on his card.  I also made an extra copy so he will be able to share with a friend and they can pass secret messages between themselves.  I started with a large envelope and made a brown card to fit inside.  I created the ciper first and then decided on using a wizard as the main element.  I found one online at PNGPLAY that fit the bill perfectly!!  I added a scroll behind him and to which I added the coded message.  I colour printed it and then fussy cut it.  I trimmed a lettered background onto my card and then added the wizard and message.  It needed a bit of bling so I found some clear plastic star die cuts in my stash which I coated with glitter glue which was not as blingy as I needed so I added some green and blue glitter.  That was much better.  They were shedding quite a bit so I sprayed them with a clear finish before mounting them to my background with silver brads.  I then mounted this large element to my card front.  Therese