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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Christmas card with a collaged background, embellished tree die cut and a bit of lace

For this card I started with a dark green card front.  Using a few pieces from my stash I collaged a background then added a piece of brown handmade washi tape and a length of lace.  I added some lines of paper piercing before adding my little kraft tree die cut.  I added a gold star with a tiny gold brad at the top and some red star confetti with white glue (fine tip applicator) before adhering it to my card front.  I thought it still needed a bit of something so I added a garland to the tree using a clear glitter gel pen which was just enough  - I considered it finished.  Therese

Winken, Blinken quilt

 I finished this quilt (33.5" x 44") more than a week ago but just finally gave it is final wash.  It is a panel I bought for a few dollars at a thrift store.  I added a thin cotton batting and a green cotton backing material.  I finished it by layering the front and back facing each other and then laid the batting over it.  Trimmed them to the edge of the front and stitch all the way around leaving an opening on one side so I could turn it inside out.  I finished it by stitching two rows of straight stitch about a quarter inch apart around the outside edge.  For inside quilting I used black thread on the top and green on the bottom and stitched several of the black lines in the pattern to keep all the layers together.  There is quite a bit of play between the back and the front but fortunately there were very few lines except the wavy border that went all the way across so the play is manageable.  Therese