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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Natural Fabric Webinar at Winnipeg Sews

 Just a note that Katherine has joined with Leila Kelleher to offer a Fabric Webinar which will cover how to identify and sew with natuarl fabrics!!! You can check out the details on her website by following the link below!!

I think it will be an invaluable resource for buying fabric or clothes second hand such as at thrift stores and garage/estate sales, etc.  Invite a few friends to join you and make a play date to watch the Fabric Webinar together!!!  I will be there!!


Slow Stitching Projects - cats - Q2 ( row 5 & 8) and butterflies

 I have finished row 8 of the second quilt of cats!!  I perused my blog to find that I had not posted row 5 so it is the top one and row 8 is the bottom one.  I have really enjoyed working on these cats but I am taking a little break.  I have prepped some butterflies and cut out squares for boats and apples this week.  I will have to find applique patterns for them and get them cut out so I will have a bit of variety for the next while.  I am not even sure how many rows I have in each quilt but there seems to be a small pile yet to go.  I do have quite a few that I can incorporate into my next quilt and I do have bright fabrics set aside for that so that will be in the works shortly.  

I will be slow stitching butterflies today.  These were die cut using my Big Shot and the Stampin UP Beautiful Butterflies Bigs Die.  I will be stitching them to squares of light blue cotton.  The body and antennae will be stitched in black.  
I am linking to Kathy's Quilts - Slow Sunday Stitching.  Check out the wonderful art being created by the participants in Kathy's challenge.  I find them to be most inspiring!! 

Check out the Natural Fiber Webinar I just signed up for at Winnipeg Sews!!
