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Monday, July 14, 2008

My Art - ATCs for trading

These are the ATCs I made for trading at Stamp Fest on Saturday!! It was a great day and a carload of us went to Bancroft!! There were some terrific make and takes put on by the vendors - waterfall card by Stamp Barn, Positive-Negative card by Frogs Whiskers, glitter card by Stamplicity, watercolour card by Scrapbook Moment and more, tags by Stamp Cellar, angelina fiber by Class Acts, and several more that I cannot recall! The crowd was not as large a usual which made it great for shopping! We all got some goodies and then did another round before we headed home in early afternoon. There were not many who had ATCs for trading - thanks to Dyke, Marilyn and Susan. I got some neat ones in return. I had also took some of my ATCs from previous years in case the demand was high so a few of those were traded away as well.

So if anyone is interested in trading 1 for 1 ATCs please send me an email (under profile) and we can set up a swap!! Counting across then down #3 and #6 are no longer available.

It was fun making these. Started with a blue leather paper I created a while back (acrylic paint on cardstock, glue on tissue paper and then paint on more acrylic paint) onto which I layered paste paper dresses in yellow (one pink one). I colour printed heads from various copyright free images I have and layered those on the top. For some I layered fiber arms behind the dress, for others I just added arms on the sides. It was great fun!!

Here are the few extras I brought along for trading from past years. Counting across then down #2, & #4 are no longer available.


My Art - Mingle page

July's mingle page!! Used blue colour printed cardstock as a base and added a strip of sheet music, a large letter "b" printed on acetate and a little red heart with a black brad. I stamped the background with a music stamp then stamped "BLUES" with individual alphabet stamps from Fontwerks. I handwrote in white gel marker several blues that came to mind like blue skies, blue birds, etc on the back and added some blue stars. I glued the bottom edge when I assembled it so that I could add a tag. The recipient will be able to add their own favorite blues to the tag!! Really happy with the way this one worked out!


My Art - Heart card

This is the card I created for my husband for our anniversary!! I cut the heart with a Sizzix die in my Cuttlebug machine!! It was red cardstock and I glued on red with gold stars tissue paper and tucked all the edges to the back. Layered it onto sheet music that I ripped around the edges except for the right hand side. Added my handwritten greeting (gold gen pen on black handmade paper) below the heart.

A few days after I gave him the card he asked me if there was any significance to the fact that the music sheet was upside down!! There certainly wasn't any concious significance but who knows - it may have been well past my bedtime!!
