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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Drink mix holders

Happy New Year to all!! Wishing you every blessing in 2010!!

I was asked to make up these little drink mix holders for water bottles for a figure skating event next weekend. I had several samples to work from, which were made by another friend of mine. Not sure, where she got the inspiration for hers - possibly Splitcoast Stampers!!
I used a 2" x 8.5" piece of cardstock which is folded at 2.5" and at 6.5". The bottom 2" is folded up and attached with two mini brads to create the little pocket in which the single serving drink mix will be inserted. I decorated the pocket with a scallop and a snowflake. I stamped the background paper that I used to back the pocket using blue ink on white paper to keep with the theme. I punched a 1.25" hole in the middle of the top flap and mounted a scalloped frame on it so the little holder would fit on the top of the water bottle. It fits just nicely - a little snug so it won't fall off but still easy to remove!! These were a fun project and I know the skaters will enjoy their goodies next weekend.