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Monday, January 24, 2011

Hands of Time ATCs

I created these three ATCs for a Hands of Time swap on AFTCM!! I used photos I downloaded from The Morgue File - a great resource of photos for free - and added some elements to make them work. The left hand one - I used a dandelion photo, added a clock face and a quote - You only have n o w. Choose wisely. I added some 3D hands with a brad to the middle and added the n and the w with a white gel pen to spell the word n o w. The middle one - I used a photo of a watch, added a quote to the top and bottom and a clock sticky border to the side of it. The right one - I used a photo of a clock mechanism and added a quote with white gel marker.
One swap down - several more to go!!


Anniversary cards

Created these as anniversary cards but they certainly would do very nicely for Valentine's!! They feature two white die cut hearts (white serendipity technique) with a red fiber heart sandwiched in between, all tied with a silver cord. I added ribbon and red lace to the embossed layer, tucking the ends in behind before I glued them to the red card front. I added three heart rhinestones which was just the right touch of bling!!