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Friday, November 08, 2013

Gifties on their way!

My gifties all wrapped up and on their way! I joined a Giftie Exchange - 12 Days of Christmas!!  I have Day 1 so wanted to make sure that my little packets arrived on time for the December 13 deadline.  I will be revealing the contents on December 13 once my swap partners have opened their little packets.  It was a fun project and I am looking forward to sharing with all of you what I made.  I have a few extra so I will be hosting a GIVEAWAY starting December 13 right here on my blog.  So come back and participate!!
I wrapped my little gifts in hand decorated paper which I made this summer when I sister was visiting and we took a shot at doing monoprinting.  It was lots of fun and I made several large sheets.  I cut them up into 8.5" x 5.5" pieces, folded them into three, inserted the little gift and stitched both ends with my sewing machine making sure to include my Day 1 tag in the process.  I hope they will enjoy the giftie and will be able to use the decorative paper in their creations - would work great for serendipity or collage of any kind.
So be back here on December 13 and see what I created!

(My apologies to everyone - turns out I have been an eager beaver and sent out my gifties very early!!  The deadline is December 13th for opening our Day ONE gifts so I have corrected the above info)


Train card for a special little boy!

Our grandson was two on Tuesday and we are will be celebrating with him and his family on the weekend.  I made this little train card for him - he is really into trains at the moment!!
I cut the train with one of my sister's dies a few weekends ago and made up the card this week.  The die is made by Quik Kuts and it cuts all the pieces at once.  I layered the coloured cardstock on the die so I could have all the little pieces a different colour!!  I really like the way it turned out.  I glued all the layers to each other to create the little cars then added dotted lines to them with a black sharpie to give them a bit more definition.  I used a sponged piece of blue decorative paper to create the sky behind the train and layered it onto a green card front.  I stamped the top section with "choo, choo" using an alphabet stamp set and then added the train cars by attaching them with 3D foam tape.  I added the greeting by hand.  On one of my group we have been challenged to add handwriting to our creations and because I did not have a stamp that would fit below the train I decided to give it a try.  I used a pencil to outline the letters to make sure they would all fit and then went over them with a black fine tip sharpie.  I thickened some of the lines by going over them a couple of times.  Not too bad for my first try at it. I was using "Creative Lettering" by Jenny Doh on page 100 - examplar by Lisa Engehbrecht - as a visual for my lettering.  This book has a wonderful array of cool lettering with some instructions and examples to get you started.
Looking forward to seeing everyone and giving him a hug!!


Waxed Thinking of you card

 Another card I created using a square of waxed fabric I created a while back.  I really love the bright colours on this piece of waxed fabric and I thought it would be appropriate for this "Thinking of you" card which I am sending to cheer someone's day!!
I stitched the fabric square to a dark blue layer of cardstock and added a colour printed greeting to which I had stitched some seam binding flags.  I added some stippling to the edges of my rust card before I glued the layer on.
You can check out the other cards I have made with this fabric here and here.
Have a few more to go!!
