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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Gingerbread man Christmas cards

I found six of these little gingerbread men in my stash the other day when I was digging around for something else and I decided that I would use them for my January Christmas cards.  Having been pretty relaxed last year on my commitment to making Christmas cards monthly I was more rushed than I would have liked at the end of November getting what I needed finished up so I am committing this year to making Christmas cards monthly.
I started by embellishing the little gingerbread men die cuts (SX).  I added red cardstock behind their bellies, tiny white rick rack to their arms and legs, a red ribbon tie at their necks and two tiny black brads for their eyes.  I really like they way they turned out.  Next, I dug through my stash of Christmas paper and found this one - good colour and I liked the script on it.  I found the greetings in my stash as well though I did have to trim them down and flag their ends to work for this card.  I found some wide red gros grain ribbon and decided to use it to layer beneath my greetings.  I layered the greeting to the ribbon, trimmed my ribbon on both ends and used double sided tape to adhere the square end to the back of the decorative paper.  Then I glued this large element to the front of  my red card.  I used 3D foam tape to adhere my gingerbread men to these card fronts overlapping their feet just slightly over the greeting.
So begins my stash of Christmas cards!!  I have quite a few more ideas I would like to use for my cards this year so I am looking forward to working through them and getting cards made regularly.
I do have several links to challenges on my blog (right hand just a little bit down from the top) I will be checking those out for more inspiration as well.
Are you committing to making Christmas cards monthly??  If so, leave me a comment and let me know where you are going for inspiration.
