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Monday, March 13, 2017

Thinking of you for a friend

A friend of ours was hospitalized last week and fortunately he is doing well and back home today.
I made him a card and some snacks though he has to be careful what he eats and will require some diet modification in the next few weeks.
I started with a navy blue card and adhered a layer of naturals handmade paper to the front, added a colour printed image of a light house then a strip of hand decorated navy gift wrap.  To finish off I added a little punchie greeting.
We must be grateful for every thing and all that is good!!


Reusing elements from handmade cards

  In the stack of cards that were donated I found some handmade cards.  They were not A2 sized so I chose to use the main elements as focal elements for my cards.  For the first card I cut out this beautiful hand painted image of three rose buds.  I had to cut them apart and recombine them with the leaves at the bottom so I watercoloured the space in between in green which tied them together quite nicely.  I stitched this focal element to a pink rectangle then layered a piece of dark green below on which I mounted a laser printed greeting punchie which I sponged a bit around the edges.  Layered this large element to a dark green card front.  

For my second card, I trimmed the focal element from the card, added an embossed pink rectangle to the bottom and glued it to an orange card front.  I glued a strip of yellow cardstock where they joined an then added a layered punchie greeting.  The greeting is a digital by Bird's cards to which I added a font greeting, laser printed and watercoloured.  I glued it to a white scallop punchie and thinking that it needed a bit of something else - I pierced the scallops!  That was better.  I adhered it to my card using 3D foam tape.

For my third card, I reused this beautiful tulip element.  I tore the bottom section and left a gap when I glued the elements to a green card front.  I tied some white fiber in the gap.  I stamped and gold embossed the greeting (SU), punched it out (SU) and layered it onto a gold scalloped oval(SU)  which I adhered over the fiber using 3D foam tape.
Easter is coming up and it is nice to have a few cards ahead.
