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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Father's Day card featuring a digital image of a lantern, decorative paper and dimensional paint

I created this card for DH for Father's Day!!  I found this image on Anne's Cards 4U site.  On her image the handle was cut off and I thought it would look funny on my card so I did a little digital magic and created a handle with a section of the handle that was there by digitally cutting and pasting it. It required only a slight bit of clean up and looks very good!!!!!!!!
I started with a large envelope and created a dark green card to fit inside.  I trimmed a piece of scrapbook paper and adhered it to my card front.  I laser printed the digital image of the lantern along with a font greeting onto white cardstock and watercoloured it to coordinate with my card.  I added texture with my tracing wheel to the edges, used my distress tool to rough up the edges a bit more and then added some gray watercolour as well to age it a bit.  I loved the glow of the lantern so I added clear dimensional magic to the globe to give it the look of glass.  Love how that turned out.  After it was dry (overnight) I added my image to my card front using 3D foam tape. 
It has been a bit of a stretch to created these cards.  I have used larger images and more bold colour schemes!  It has been fun and I will continue to challenge myself to add a bit of the unexpected to my cards!!           Therese

Birthday card featuring a tea set, a font greeting and a great colour scheme

I made this card for my sister for her birthday!!!  We are twins and are now living closer than we ever have before.  We see each other more often but not as much as we expected considering the much closer distance.  I will have to make an effort to drop a few commitments so I can have more time with her.  I chose a large envelope and created a green card to fit inside.  She is a tea person so I thought this digital image from Anne's Card 4U would be most appropriate. I added a font greeting and printed it on white cardstock, trimmed it out of the sheet and watercoloured it in pink and green.  My most favorite colour scheme and one she really appreciates as well.  I coordinated the colours with the papers I had chosen for the background and added some paper piercing using my tracing wheel then layered it with green paper.  I added some sponging to my green card to help it coordinate with my green paper, adhered my pink paper to it and then added a pink strip with a flagged end before adhering my layered image to my card front using 3D foam tape.  We will be connecting with her next week as I have a prior commitment for the weekend.  

Father's Day card featuring a cardinal, a font greeting and strips of background paper

For our other son in law I made this card!!  Again, stretching a bit creatively!!  I chose a large envelope and created a brown card to fit inside.  I dug through my paper stash and found some coordinating paper strips and layered them onto a piece of double sided tape I had placed at the top of my card trimming the bottoms diagonally to create a background.  I printed the cardinal digital stamp from Anne's Cards 4U along with a font greeting onto white cardstock, trimmed it out of the sheet, and watercoloured it.  I added a pierced border using my tracing wheel and then watercoloured the edges just a bit.  I mounted the coloured image over the background using 3D foam tape. 


Father's day featuring a funny digital, some watercolour and bright background paper

 This card is for our son in law for Father's Day!!  I am stretching my creative muscles and going out of my comfort zone with images and paper. 
I thought this image was funky!!  It is my Anne's Cards 4U.  I chose a large envelope and made a dark blue card that fit inside.  I added the fun party background paper, trimmed it and glued it to the card front.  I printed the digital image with a font greeting onto white cardstock, trimmed it out and watercoloured it.  I added a faux stitching border, a small piece of coordinating ribbon and adhered it to my card front using 3D foam tape. 
I am usually much safer and coordinating with my images and colour choices so in an effort to stretch my creativity I decided to be a bit bolder.  I used the red flag and the blue bag to echo the colours in the background paper.  I used a clear gel pen on the metal and glass parts which adds a bit of shimmer which works well.          Therese