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Sunday, June 20, 2021

Prayer Flags are flying high

I made another set of prayer flags this week and unfortunately I did not get any photos. This is the fabric rectangles I used which gave a different pattern to them.

I took time yesterday to iron out the extra wax from them and then piled them into a stack.  This morning I decided to get started on sewing them to my almost 100 foot length of orange paracord.  I measured the length of the yard again and it came to almost 70 feet so I had some cord to spare.  I decided to leave 5 feet at the house end and the rest at the tree end so I woul have enough to secure each end properly.  I folded the flags over a half inch or so and used this beautiful raibow thread to stitch them to my paracord. 

 I tucked the paracord into the fold, pinned it a several places and used a small zigzag stitch that remained over the cord so each flag would be well secured.  I back stitched on each side and placed them about 6" from each other.  

I did stitch on some strips of yellow and red fabric (12" x 1.5")  to each side of the flags in the same way I stitched the flags.  I put them about a quarter inch apart.  A few near the house and quite a few more on the tree end.  They are much more responsive to the wind and flutter very nicely.  The flags are a little stiffer but they still flutter.  It will take them a while to soften up.  

I am fortunate that an eye hook was found in the workshop stash and my husband put it up on the peak of the garage roof.  He tied it in place with a clove hitch knot and secured the ends.  

I climbed this pine tree to secure the other end.  Fortunately, the neighbours gave me permission to attach it to their tree.  We had originally tied it one set of branches lower but that left the flags hanging almost where we could touch them so I climbed up and moved the end of the paracord up to the next set of branches which was much better.  I tied a clove hitch and several other knots and tied up the bundle and used a zip tie to attach that to the cord.  Not sure if there is any danger from birds and squirrels trying to make off with the cord I left up there.  Time will tell.

Below is what they look like from the road that backs our property.  They look exactly like I wanted them too.  It is so nice when a project works out they way you envision it.  

The wind will send my prayer of good will to all.  I wish that all who see them will be blessed with all that is good!!  Compassion and wisdom, health and wellness, friends and family in a larger community, peace and joy, love and light - every good thing!!  The red and yellow symbolize love and light!!!  Therese