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Monday, April 03, 2023

Birthday candles card kits - fun cards featuring large candles

 I made these card kits for my sister's daycare!! They are always looking for meaningful activities for the kids and I decided that maybe birthday cards kits would be good for when the kids have family members having birthdays and they want to bring them a bit of a surprise!!!  I used scraps from the bin of items she brought me along with some cardstock to make up the two tone cards.  I cut an 8.5" x 11" to 6.25" and then in two with decorative scissors which made one side of the card with a flap.  The other side was just the right size to fit under the flap and create the other side of the card.  So they can use the full colour side or the duplex side like I have done!!  I used scraps of paper (3/4" x 3") in a wide variety of colours to create the "candles" and included 6 in each kit.  I punched six "flames"  - folk heart punchies turned upside down - from scraps of yellow cardstock for each kit.  Once they were glued down I drew a wick in between with a pencil.  Too easy!!!! I made 23 kits and provided this sample.  I also included a few extra "candles and flames" and some instructions .   Hopefully the staff and kids will find these kits useful!!  Remembering special occasions knits families together!!!  Therese

Father's Day Card kits featuring a shirt and funky tie

I made up another set of card kits for my sister to use at her day care!!!  These are for Father's Day and feature a fun tie on a shirt.  I found all sorts of examples done in a variety of ways on line and so came up with my own pieces.  I created a tie in Corel Draw and printed them the right size for use with these envelopes.  I trimmed a lot of cards in fun colours to fit in the larger envelopes and then found some coordinating papers to make it interesting.  I cut the decorative papers just a smidge smaller than the card fronts so they kids can easily glue them in place without anything sticking out.  I marked the back with a triangle cut out which the adult caregivers will have to cut out for the kids.  Once the decorative paper in glued in place they will have to score the two sides of the V so the shirt collar will fold nicely to the front.  The tie then can be decorated and dried in any way they wish and then glued in place just under the collar!!!  I used blue watercolour for the background colour and  then stamped large circles with a hard sponge shape in yellow.  Once they were dry I added blue Stickles glitter glue!!  Once that was dry I added it to my card.  I made 23 card kits and this is my sample and included instructions for the caregivers!!    I have made St. Patrick ones and Easter ones too!!  Will see my sister this weekend and will find out how those went with the kids and caregivers!!  Therese

Art Party kits - denim bookmarks ready for embellishing

 I have made Art Party kits with the book marks which I made with denim scraps a while back.  They are ready for embellishing with any permanent media - acrylic paint, Inktense watercolour, ball point or gel pens, fabric scraps, machine or hand stitching!!  Your imagination is the limit!!  I tied 6 together with a tag with the above suggestions.  Parents will be looking for ideas to keep their kids busy over the summer and this would fit the bill.  I am donating them to the Gramma Link Africa Group for their merchandise table at the Rhubarb Extravaganza on Saturday, June 24, 2023 - 1:30pm to 3pm.  
