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Monday, April 29, 2024

Sewing - black and gray picnic placemat with a zippered pocket

I made another picnic placemat from precut pieces from my stash. The dimension worked out quite well.  I sewed the back to the front right sides together and left the zipper open a bit so I could turn it over.  I top stitched to the left of the zipper to create the pocket and then all the way around the perimeter.  I did forget to put in the ties so had to undo the seam and insert them and restitch.  I was aiming for about  12" x 18" but with the size of the precut pieces I was a bit off on some of them.  They will work quite well regardless with enough room for a place and a pocket for utensils and a napkin.     Therese


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sewing - picnic placemat in blue plaid and gray with a zippered pocket

Another picnic placemat!!!!!  I am enjoying the process!!  Again I upcycled a zipper and the backing is also an upcycled pant leg.  Again, these are precut squares I acquired and squaring them changed their dimensions and therefore created a bit of an unmatched pattern.  I do like that the seams do not align which gives much fewer bumpy seams.  For this one I laid the front and back good sides facing and stitched all the way around leaving the zipper open a bit so I could turn it inside out.  I stitched to the left of the zipper to create the pocket and then did the top stitching all the way around.  I did add several other lines of stitching to quilt the placemat.  The ties were a little heavy so I cut the length into two instead of just folding it over and including it in the seam.  Side by side they were much more manageable and they still work very well to tie the placemat once it is rolled up.  Therese


Sewing - picnic placemat with a zipper pocket in rust, brown and ivory

Another picnic placemat made with precut squares from my stash.  I acquired these precut so quite a few  had to be trimmed to be square and therefore lost their ability to be the same size which changed the proportions of my pieces in relation to each other but that worked fine in that all the seams did not line up which in this heavier fabric can make for fairly bumpy seams.  I had to add some fabric on the right to make the pocket large enough.  The colours worked well but the background could have been more interesting.  I did audition quite a few and this was the one that worked the best.  I sewed this one all around with the two good sided facing and included the tie in that seam.  I was going to leave a opening for turning over but realized that if I left the zipper open a bit that would work just as well.  Worked really well.  I stitched left of the zipper to create the pocket and then continued all the way around and did top stitching on the perimeter.  I added several other rows of stitching to quilt the remainder of the placemat.  I am upcycling zippers for these and am finding that the little ending pieces really help to incorporate the zipper in the total design.   Therese


Al occasion card featuring a hand painted background with an inked design along with a cute little cat

Our oldest granddaughter has a birthday coming up and I made a card for her.  I watercoloured a background and then added a black frame with a black Sharpie then a scene which reflects this year - solar eclipse, trip overseas and learning to drive!!!  The cat (Clipart Queen) resembles one of her best buddies!!!  I layered the large art piece to a blue card and then coloured the little cat, fussy cut it  and added to the art piece with 3D foam tape.  



Saturday, April 27, 2024

Sewing - picnic placement with a zippered pouch featuring a flying geese pattern

Picnic placemats are perfect for those times when you have decided to eat at the park and find the table is in less than ideal condition.  Everyone can just roll out their placemat and has a clean surface to eat on.  This placemat also features a zippered pocket which can hold utensils and a napkin allowing the kids to set the table without fear of the utensils ending up on the ground.   After eating the utensils can be wrapped in the napkin (paper or cloth) and stowed away in the pouch until they get home and can be washed.  The tie keeps the rolled mat tidy on the way there and back and takes little room to store in between.  Made of heavyweight fabric which is washable also allows for quick clean ups.  Having a few on hand means you are ready to go as soon as the food is packed!!  Quick and easy!!  

I made up the front of the placemat using precut squares from my stash.  I incorporated four flying geese into the design.  I added the little green ends to the tie so you will always know which placemat it is without having to untie it so everyone can easily find their favorite.  I incorporated the zipper easily by adding tabs on each end.  I cut the backing about 3/4" bigger on all sides than the front, laid the front over it and stitched the two together on the left hand side of the zipper which creates the pocket.  I added a few more lines of stitching to the left to quilt the two piece to each other.  I then folded over the backing to the front and stitched it.  I added the tie to the back in the seam on the left hand side.   I am looking forward to making some unique picnic placemat for our merchandise table at our Gramma Link Africa events and for prizes at our summer family reunion.    Therese

Sewing - three flip top pouches for packaging the fabric tea cup coasters

I made  Flip Top pouches to package the two sets of fabric coasters I made this week.  I started with the black and red one without realizing that the bird would be on the front and upside down!!!!  Had I reversed that panel the bird would have been on the back and maybe even upside right.  I will have to go back to my instructions and leave myself a note to double check my fabric for next time.  I used nice bright fabrics and added coordinating solid poly cotton for the linings.  These stitch up quickly once  you have cut your rectangles.  I did  have to adjust my numbers to make a pouch big enough to accommodate the coasters and got it on my first try which was good - except for the bird!!  I will add two tea related cards and hand them over to the Spring Tea coordinator.  Loving these little flip top pouches for neatly wrapping a gift which is also a gift.  You can check out my first posting for the flip top pouch which has the link to the tutorial I used the first time.  Therese

Friday, April 26, 2024

Sewing - more fabric tea cup coaster in lots of different colours!!!

I have been experimenting with making fabric tea cup coasters so I can make up a couple sets as gifts for our vocalists and her accompanist at our upcoming Spring Tea.  I am using scraps so it was easy enough to find pieces that were 5" square or so to make the body of the cup and a strip for the handle.  The two photos above are one double sided set and same with the two photos below.  I added the same lace to each side of the one coaster.  They stitch up relatively easily and making sure the handles faced the correct side was what I had to be most careful with.  It did require changing the thread ( top & bobbin) several times but that is what finished them nicely.  I am really happy with the way they worked out.    Therese


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Sewing - another fabric tea cup coaster in two coordinating fabrics

I made another coaster using coordinating fabrics to see if there was an advantage to have coordinating fabrics.  The look is nice and there is less contrast in the handle but in the end I am using small scraps so it works better for me to make them double sided and interesting - double the fun!!! So I will make the next batch that way!!  You can find the pattern on my sister's blog - Tea Cup Coaster Pattern.  The original pattern from Enchanted Rose is no longer available.  



Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Gramma Link Africa Fabric sale - April 20th

We held our 2024 Gramma Link Africa Fabric Sale on Saturday.  It took a few days of extra prep to be ready but with the help of the guys the tables were filled with fabric and notions and yarn of every kind!!!!!!!!!  You can see here our new banner which better represents our group and the grandmothers we support through our fundraising.  It took a while to get the right wording, photo and layout but it is now ready to go.  It is the first time we use it and we are all really happy with how it looks!!!  

We have been collecting and sorting fabric and notions since January and all the work has come to this!!  So much great fabric and a room full of notions and yarns.  We set up on Friday and opened the doors at 9am on Saturday with a line up out front!!!  

We have a large group of volunteers who show up regularly and help measure fabric and sort notions.  Volunteers shopped after set on Friday.  It is wonderful to be able to touch and coordinate and find the right colour of thread for our next projects!!!  The knitters also had a lot to choose from!! There were notions for everyone - thread, ribbon, embroidery thread, magazines and books, quilting patterns, buttons, rick rack, sewing needles and so much more!!!!  It was a fun day and by 2pm all the rooms were picked up and the floors were swept!!!  Therese


Sewing - two aprons with matching potholders - Gramma Link Africa merchandise

 I cut these out a few days ago and they have been sitting waiting for time to sew.  With the fabric sale last week there were a few extra days committed to that process.  I made them both from the easy pattern I used for the few I have made in the past which is this one from Instructables.  I made coordinating poly cotton ties in blue and green to coordinate with this fun plaid which is cotton.  I found blue and green solid cotton to finish off the potholders which have 3 layers of flannel inside.  They will be for sale at our next GA event - Rhubarb Tea in June.  

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Sewing - fabric tea cup coasters

Tea cup coasters!!  How fun!!  I have made this one as a sample to see if they would suit an occasion that is coming up!!!  More info to come!!



Wednesday, April 17, 2024

All occasion card featuring a gold embossed cup of coffee, brads, ribbon and hand decorated background

A special card for a special person!!!  This card features a beautiful cup (The Stamp Barn) which I gold embossed on ivory cardstock.  I watercoloured the cup, added three brads and green ribbon then tore the bottom edge.  Tied a bit of gold thread to the ribbon.  I layered it onto a piece of the same cardstock as the card and then tore the bottom of that layer as well.  Added my hand decorated background to my large card base and then mounted my layered image to it using 3D foam tape.  Glad to get started on the cards I will  need in the next little while.     Therese


Monday, April 08, 2024

Sewing - flip top fabric pouches in colourful combinations

I worked on a few flip top pouches on the weekend.  I needed one for my phone charger and cord and thought I would make a few for the Gramma Link Africa merchandise table.  They are quite easy to make. Great way to use up your fabric scraps. You can easily stitch a few scraps together to get the size you need and it then creates a colourful fun pattern on the pouch.  I found this tutorial on line at Paper & Glue.  I changed the dimensions for the fabric to 5.5" x 12" to get a square pouch which can double as a coaster when you need one.   I added a little twill tape loop on the inside and outside so it can be secured inside a bag or you can secure your keys to it.  They are very easy to open and close, but best not to stuff them too full!. 
What can you stuff them with????  Well, much more than I had imagined when I made the first one for my phone charger and cord.  The sky is the limit really!! You can change up the size to accommodate anything you would like to keep clean and secure!!

Any device cords that are being unruly at your house from ear buds to I Pods to chargers!!

Battery packs  - make custom ones to fit perfectly and keep them safe and clean.

Snacks - anything dry like Cheerios & crackers for the kiddos.  

Snacks  - dried fruit &  nuts for yourself!!!  

Medication such as pain and allergy meds or even your prescriptions.  Add a few bandaids, too.

Feminine & prevention products along with sun screen, lotion & sanitizer.  

Make up like lip gloss, lipsticks, wipes, cleanser, etc.

Accessories - scrunchies, barrettes, hair ties, etc.

Jewelry - bracelets, earrings, bangles, brooches, etc. 

Fold up a reusable bag and insert into the pouch so you always have one!!

Tea bags so you can have your favorite with any cup of hot water. Use the pouch as a coaster. 

Travel light with just a credit card, cash, bus pass and your keys.  

Put your business cards in one and always have some neat ones to hand out. 

Sticky notes are always handy and the pouch keeps them clean.  

You can always use them to wrap small gifts like jewelery, gift cards, tickets, etc.  

and you will be giving "A gift in a gift" with no waste!!! 

I am sure there are many more options but these are the suggestions I found online!!



Saturday, April 06, 2024

Sewing - a tote bag with flying geese as an accent on both sides

Another tote bag for the merchandise table at our next Gramma Link Africa event in June.  Beautiful cotton fabric with a blended lining in burnt orange - coordinates beautifully!!!  I created the flying geese using quilting scraps in gray, yellow and orange (lining fabric).  I made one row for each side so they run into each other on the sides.  I added the burnt orange fabric to the inside of the handles to echo the lining colour.  Boxed the lining and the bag, inserted the handles in between the outer and lining and stitched them together leaving an opening so I could turn it inside out.  Worked really well!  It was only the second time I have made a bag this way.  The first time I stitched this wine bag.   There are two rows of top stitching at the top with double stitching over the handles area. I also added a row of stitching below each of the buttons which adds another bit of stitching to strengthen the handles. I added a little twill tape loop under one of them which gives a place to secure your keys.  I hand stitched the buttons in place to finish off the bag!!!  I love how it turned out!!    Therese


Sewing - wine bag in a fun fabric and fully lined

My sister visited a few days ago and we worked on a pattern for a wine bag.  She is hoping to make a few for sale at her sale later this year.  It was fun to play with fabric and sort out how to go about making the bag.  We had done some online research and also had a couple of bottles to use to test the pieces before we assembled them.  It worked out quite well.  We added one layer of flannel to the main fabric to give it a bit of stucture and cushion.  We stitched it to the fabric with decorative stitching in wavy lines.  We boxed the bottom of the outside and inside and then rotated the lining a quarter turn so it would not be sitting on top of the boxed corners of the main fabric.  Helps to keep the bottom even.  We topped stitched a couple of rows at the top of the bag and double stitched where the handles are for extra support there.  It stands on its own which is really nice!!  Soft enough to fold and store until the next time a person is bringing wine along to a meal with family or friends.  Special enough for you to bring home with you and use it again the next time around!!!  It measures 12" tall, 11.5" around, 3" square bottom a 10" handle.  Looking forward to making a few more with some sort of accent to help jazz them up a bit.  Therese