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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Two ATCs I made this morning for a trade!! I have a box in which I keep my ATC supplies - substrates, images, labels, etc. Whenever I get something I think would be good for ATCs I just put it in the box. When I feel like making ATCs I open the box and see what I have. It is a nice starting off point!! Sometimes I find everything I need!!
The first is a picture I laser printed (down load from the net I think) with some fiber and a little tag. I stamped the base with the SU swirl background in silver Encore!
On the second I layered junk mail onto a green backer. I save interesting junk mail for use in my art. This one is from a fitness brochure. I layered a handmade paper letter over this. I wrote by hand the words "Who" and "You?" at the top and bottom but I could not get the scan to show the words. On the back I layered a vellum with text to support that finding out who you are is the mission of your life and will reveal the best path for your life.

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