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Saturday, July 14, 2007

My T&T fat book page for July features Amelia Earhart! What a fascinating woman!! I know the scans are not the greatest but it was hard to capture the subtleties of this layout. She flew because she was fascinated with the beauty of the sky!! I wanted to have this layout have that feeling. I used black cardstock and used a ripped piece of paper to create the horizon using white ink. I added stars to the sky with silver pigment ink and a stipple stamp. The larger stars I penned in with a silver gel pen. On the bottom edge of both sides I wrote out some of Amelia's favorite sayings. The two photos I found on the internet and printed them the size I needed. To keep the page closed I added a silver clipola onto which I tied a little airplane charm. I am very happy with the way it turned out - has exactly the feel I was looking to create!!


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