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Monday, August 27, 2007

Two ATCs I made for a 2 for 2 exchange!! I always save my fortunes from the cookies whenever we have Chinese food. They are the perfect size for ATCs!! This one seemed to fit so well with this faux postage from Lisa Volrath's site earlier this year!! I made a little layered tag with two punched circles!! The top one has been distressed and is stamped with my Memories magnet alphabet set. I used walnut ink on the fortune so it would "fit" in with the rest of the layout.

The pear is a stamped image from A Stamp In the Hand that I stamped a long time ago using watercolours! I have a little file where I keep images that are left over after a project. They often come in handy!! The "pears" word is laser printed and coloured with watercolour.

Both bases for these ATCs were in my ATC box. I keep ATC materials in a small box - precut bases, small images, some embellishments, fortunes, credit tags, etc. It makes ATC creation faster and easier when supplies are readily available in one place.


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