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Sunday, October 14, 2007

I am very happy with my little pumpkin!! After searching the internet for one I could trace and cut out without any luck I just decided to try to create my own!! I drew it in Corel Draw and printed it on the orange cardstock!! Drew the stem and printed it on green cardstock!! Each person cut out their pumpkin and stem and then embellished them with watercolours or pencil crayon! They all turned out so well!! I watercoloured this one! Colour printed "Happy" and "Fall" and added watercolour to the tags as well. Stamped the beige card with brown ink and my French Script stamp, glued on the pumpkin, strung the tags on green fiber and glued them behind the stem!!

Sometimes when you cannot find what you need for your art consider just creating it!! I was surprised how quickly I was able to create this pumpkin and how good it looked on the card!!


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