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Friday, November 30, 2007

My Art - ornaments

Cute little ornaments that are really fast to make!! Had a class this morning for a teacher looking for some ideas that she can adapt for her kids. I found these on Splitcoast. Really like the ones made of vellum. I stamped the inside of the one with the aqua ribbon with aqua snowflakes. I found that double sided paper worked very nicely to give a bit of a hint of something inside. Of course, they could be embellished with charms and/or beads as well!! If you are looking for a quick and easy craft to make with your kids over the holidays this would be great. Consider using scraps because all you need is 7 pieces of 3/4" x 4.25" paper. Punch a hole at each end and thread a knotted ribbon through both ends and "squish" to be the right shape and tie another over hand knot. Then just spread the strips apart until they form a ball. Could even be used as gift embellishments!! Enjoy!!

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