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Thursday, January 17, 2008

My art - Card

My first card of the year!! I have always tried to get my January cards made and out for the end of December so that those with early January birthdays will receive their cards before their birthdays!! It has always been a challenge to make it happen and this year I was late getting them out though I did manage last year!!
I made this card for my brother who is an artist and handyman. I used a piece of polished stone cardstock and layered it with gold gift wrap onto a black card. Added a slidemount with an architectural building transparency I printed a while back along with some old postage and an interesting punch out with a date on it. I just arranged the elements until I was happy with them and then glued them into place. I added the stamped greeting afterwards. Added a bit of a "signature" on the black card with a gold gel pen.
I have a file where I file anything printed materials that I have leftover after any project. I like going through the file when I am looking for collage elements or that "just something" to finish off a piece or card.
I have one personal resolution this year and that is to listen more! I expect it will enrich my life and hopefully will be a benefit to the others that share my life as well. I have also made one art resolution too - to make art everyday! I am making hearts. At this point I do not know what I will do with the hearts but it is a manageable goal so I will see how it goes. I have managed to make 17 hearts but necessarily one each day but I continue to embrace the spirit of the resolution!!


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