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Monday, January 21, 2008

My Art - Valentine's Mingle

This Valentine's mingle has been going on for a few years and it is always fun to participate!! I decided to step it up a notch for myself this year and created a double coaster calendar!! It was so fun to make!! I covered both sides of my chipboard coasters with my own hand decorated paper. The inside piece had to be colour washed a bit with yellow to bring it up to the same warmth as the stickers I wanted to use. No problem - worked very well. The strips are stickers from a $1 store pack. I created a little acetate pocket for my calendar pages (printed using PrintMaster). It can be filled with another small calendar for the next year or a photo, postage stamps, or whatever!! I attached it with double sided tape. Added ribbon on both coasters for accent and interest. Added a gold embossed heart on the left hand side along with "CREATE"!!
Created a little binding with gold thread so the coasters would stand and not be wobbly with each other. Added gold hearts to the outsides to cover the holes I punched for the ribbon. The front also has an interesting angel transparency on the front. A totally fun project and will make a great addition to someone's studio!!


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