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Saturday, July 05, 2008

MM - Art on a string

I created a few more of these cool pendants for the Merchants Mill - a little boutique where I have some of my items for sale! I used paints instead of inks this time and like the look better. I also made the string piece so it would slide back and forth and afford the person who is wearing it the ability to adjust how long it would hang. Neat idea! Thanks, Alida for the suggestion!! The summer is just beginning and it will be open 6 days a week!! If you are in Central Ontario on holidays, come and check out this little gem of a place!! Great ice cream!!


These are metal washers that I have painted with arylic ink - used alcohol inks last time. The one on the right has decorative paper applied to it on both sides - in this case - polished stone.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:57 pm

    Theresa. Lots to see and read on your blog. Love your Art on a String. Would you share how you do this. thanks


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