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Saturday, November 22, 2008

MM - Countdown Calendars

Countdown Calendars for Christmas!! Who doesn't need one of those to keep us on track and doing what is important rather than what is urgent!! I made these for the Merchants Mill but my girlfriend bought two before I could get them delivered!! They are going to adults that she thinks would be willing to countdown with their kids. Each page has a number from 24-1 to indicate how many days there is left OR the day of December - works either way. Each page also has a pocket which holds an activity to be done that day. I made some of my own and then did a few internet searches to find more so in the end they are a composite of what I thought was appropriate. Because the activities are just tucked in a pocket they can be moved around from year to year to fit your schedule. The activities are flexible enough for all kinds of families - little kids, older kids, no kids, grand kids, etc. I bound the pages with my NEW Zutter!! Works so nicely and give a really nice look to the calendars!!
I hope you are getting ready to countdown to Christmas with your family no matter what it looks like. Take the time to spend time with each other as the season comes on. You will all treasure the family time you created for an hour or so every day and it will make it a Christmas to remember for all of you!!


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