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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Shared Art - finger painting!!

Finger painting with my granddaughter - 1.5 yrs!!

My daughter brought along paper and finger paints for us to share over Christmas - she is a great Mom!! My grand daughter was not too sure about just what to do with all this colour - she enjoyed squeezing the tubes and getting the colour on the paper - not quite as keen about getting her hands into it. We were using the tiled kitchen floor of the suite as our format. Maybe not the best choice for her! I noticed that the next morning at breakfast that she had the technique down pat with her juice on the table so next time we will have the luxury of being at home and using the table instead of the floor and I expect she will be much more interested in participating with her cute little hands.
So with LOTS of paint on the paper I decided it was worth taking a few minutes to create art!! This is what it looked like once I was done! I brought the artwork home with me and used it to create my holiday Thank you cards which you will see in the next post!!
Take time to create everyday - make background paper, do a little stamping, colour stamped images, take a photo or two, create a card, ATC, inchies, etc, do some scrapbooking, read a few magazines, etc. Whatever is your fun activity - quilting, felting, painting, drawing, cooking, etc - Just do it!!


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