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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

My art - Letter folio

Letter folio!! Created this letter folio for my Mom. She was attending a retreat several weekends ago and we were to write love letters to her letting her know what she has meant to us and how she has been instrumental in our lives. Along with my letter I included this little folio created using cardstock layered with scrapbook paper. I used one 8.5" x 11" for each cover creating a flap on the inside for holding letters. The spine is cardstock which was scored and glued to each cover. I added a ribbon to each front edge that can be tied to keep all of the contents inside. I am sure my Mom had a great retreat and had a place to store her letters!!

Amazingly, some women did not recieve any letters!!!! So with Mother's Day coming up next month take some time to thank your Mother for what she has done for you. Mothers are not perfect and they often fail to meet all the needs of their children but they have done much!! I was just visiting with my daughter and her newborn son and already there has been so much done - early morning and late night feedings, laundry, meals, play time, bath time, etc, etc!! You will be blessed by concentrating on the many things she did for you rather than counting the places where she failed to meet your needs as legitimate as they were.


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