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Monday, July 13, 2009

MM - scrabble necklace

Love Scrabble and have bought a few games so I can create with the tiles!! Love them!!

I created these necklaces to bring to the Merchants Mill where I have quite a few items for sale. It is a wonderful little shop with a wide variety of handmade items made by local craftspeople and artists.

Made them as affirmation/reminders of what is important in our lives!! This one is a reminder that BE ing is more important than doing!! I have one of these I wear quite often just to help me stay in the moment and respond to life as positively as I can.

Some of the others are reminders to never give up, to do your best, to choose wisely your thoughts, words and actions because you are in the process of creating your life with them, etc!!

I hope they will find individuals who will appreciate them and take them home!!

We are having a wonderfully breezy totally sunny summer's day!! The best kind in my books!!


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