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Friday, December 04, 2009

My Art - angels for a special tree

Angels for a special tree!! We have a program in our community where groups decorate Christmas trees with special ornaments and over the course of the season they are raffled off to support charities. I created these angel ornaments for one of the girls from church who is doing an angel tree - all the ornaments will be angels!!
I will take the opportunity next week to go and see all the trees when local choirs will be providing Christmas music. I am looking forward to getting a boost in my Christmas spirit!!
There are so many opportunities to participate in something bigger than ourselves and make others lives better! We should participate in any that pull on our hearts strings!! It is our way of making the world a better place!!



  1. cute ornaments. Look like the took some time. I'm lousy with wire wrapping and jewelry stuff.

  2. Anonymous2:54 pm

    Those are so sweet, Therese. We have the same kind of event at our library where people decorate trees. Are you going to do a tutorial on how to make them? Would love to know. RJ


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