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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Birthday card and contest entry

Wanted to make sure to get a card made for the Class Act contest which closes on Thursday so I combined that with the Crazy for Challenges sketch which I used earlier and made a card for a friend of mine whose birthday is tomorrow!! Yeah - love being creatively efficient!!
Stamped the sunflower from Class Act and watercoloured it and layered it onto a mustard scallop (Nesties). I used decorative paper for the card front, added two torn strips of coordinating paper and added blank stitching (piercing) with my little sewing machine to all of them to echo the little swirly dots in the paper. I altered the yellow rick rack with a stipple brush and a mustard stamp pad until it coordinated better with the paper. Three rhinestone hearts for a bit of bling and I was done.
Thrifty Tip: You can change up the colour of your rhinestones using Sharpie makers!! So buy clear ones and alter them when you need to. I expect alchohol inks would work perfectly for altering them as well.


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