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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Challenge - Easel Card

On one of my groups we have a challenge - make an easel card using cream & aqua and include a doily!! This is the card I created!!
I started with a 4.25" x 11" piece of cream cardstock, cut off 4.25" for my card front and scored the remaining piece at 4" and 6.25" which left a 1/2". I decorated the front with a square of aqua/pearl decorative paper and added a round paper doily both embellished with a bit of aqua ink. The middle section is adorned with a lacy accent which I created by layering two pieces of lace onto double sided tape and adding a light aqua quarter inch ribbon overlapping them in the center. The center features a pearly embossed heart layered onto a pearl scalloped circle with an aqua scallop circle (Nestibilities) below the lacy accent. To create the embossed heart I used a white fun foam heart shape, added some aqua pigment ink, sprinkled on some pearl embossing powder, heated it with my heat gun and finally stamped it with a swirly stamp that had been inked with white pigment ink while it was hot. The corner embellishments were created by punching pearl cardstock with a lace decorative corner punch and trimming away the extra leaving a slimmer edge. They were the perfect accents for the corners. I folded the remaining piece on the score lines, applied double sided tape on the half inch flap and laid my card front onto it lining up the bottom corners of the front to the bottom corners of the back. I decorated the bottom 1 1/4" of the back using a strip of the aqua/pearl decorative paper, another piece of lacy accent to which I added a small heart die cut from the pearl cardstock using 3D foam tape.
The card has wonderful texture and would make a wonderful Valentine's card for someone special!!



  1. Beautiful Card Therese! This would make a great Valentines card!

  2. This one is gorgeous.


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