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Friday, July 15, 2011

Vintage Christmas card

Been creating Christmas cards to add to my stash!! Sure is nice to have them all ready when November 1 comes around!!
This card features a colour printed vintage Santa (CD) layered onto red and a silver snowflake brad. The brad was too shiny so I sanded it. It might also look good with a bit of a white wash to antique it some.
I added silver ink to my green embossed (SU) layer and I am not sure I really like it so I will leave the others plain. I love the poinsettia paper (gift wrap) I used for the background.
This is a large card - more than 5"x7"!! Fun to work with a larger format.
I am submitting this card for the Vintage Christmas challenge on Sylvia's blog.

Check out her monthly Christmas card challenge if you are looking for inspiration for your cards in July!!


1 comment:

  1. Like this one very much, Therese. That is my idea of Santa - very full rosy cheeks! Some Santas are sort of strange but this one looks friendly!


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