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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

DIY - Vellum stickers

Vellum stickers!!  Who would have considered that you could create your own??  I certainly had not until I wrestled with getting the look I wanted on those vintage cards!!  I laser printed my greetings on vellum, cut them apart and applied double sided tape on the back of them!!  That easy!!  Though I must point out that you have to have a continuous layer of adhesive on the back of your vellum to get a nice smooth look when you apply your sticker to your surface.  As you can see from the photo I used a metal ruler to hold my little piece of vellum in place which also gave me a line to work from when I was applying my double sided tape. I used double sided tape with a paper backer which makes it easier to trim and apply.  I trimmed the vellum to the edge of the tape so I would get the seamless look I was going for.  I expect you could carefully apply several lines of tape on a larger piece of vellum and get the same effect.  Wider double sided tape would also be beneficial!!
So I anticipate using this technique again!!  There are times you just want sticky vellum and nothing else will do!!  Give it a try!!



  1. awesome idea! i'm going to try it. xo

  2. You've been very busy! They all look wonderful and fun! Can't wait to see more of your experiments!

  3. Terrific. Does the vellum dry sufficiently that one could run it through the Xyron instead of using the sticky tape? I seem to be all thumbs when I use sticky tape?

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Lorraine,

    I laser printed the image onto the vellum so using a Xyron would work perfectly. If you are using an ink jet printer you can cover the ink with clear embossing powder (away from your printer) which will seal in your colour and then you can use your Xyron to add adhesive!!

    Good luck!


  5. Lorraine,

    I laser printed the image onto the vellum so using a Xyron would work perfectly. If you are using an ink jet printer you can cover the ink with clear embossing powder (away from your printer) which will seal in your colour and then you can use your Xyron to add adhesive!!

    Good luck!



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