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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Past and Present Postcard

On one of my groups I joined a swap where I had to make a postcard with the theme of Past and Present.  It called to mind the quote that goes something like - Today is a gift and that is why it is called The Present.  I cut a postcard sized piece of decorative paper which I spritz with olive green alcohol mist a while back in the process of making Christmas cards.  It did not suit my vision then but worked well for this project.  I joined the dots in a rectangular shape to create a gift and left 24 lines to write on - one for each hour of a day - using a red sharpie marker.  I added a bow and stippling as well to give it a bit of dimension.  I used a black sharpie to add some thoughts on the gift we are freely given every twenty four hours!!  Below I addressed the past - keep only what sustains you!!  The past is over and it is only worth hanging on to the good stuff - the lessons learned, the great memories, etc.  Above is the future - keep in mind what you want and stay open to all possibilities because it doesn't really matter how what you want shows up!!   I sponged the edges and added a bit of stippling with the black sharpie around the edges.  I mounted this to a postcard backer which I got from Graphics Fairy.
We create our the content of our lives using our thoughts, our words and our actions which are all choices we make every day.  Being grateful for our many blessings   like our every day gift of The Present - makes us happier beings!!  Celebrate today, every little thing you  have been blessed with!!


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