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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Refurbished cards for donation

 Here are a lot of cards I have refurbished to donate to a local non profit.  I have used card fronts from commercial cards which were donated to me and have also refurbished some handmade cards I received.
It is quite easy to refurbish commercial cards.  Most times it is just a matter of trimming the card and layering it onto a folded card front.  You can easily add a bit of embellishment like a ribbon and/or a greeting.   The hardest thing is to find an envelope that will fit it.  I am fortunate to have some commercial card envelopes that were donated to me so I usually find an envelope that works.
If you don't have envelopes you can certainly make custom ones that will work perfectly.
Here are a few sites that give you instructions to make them:
This one uses a template - letter size and invitation size:
This one uses just paper to make them:

This one uses a scoring tool and has a formula for making a custom envelope:

Here's one that creates a custom envelope by just folding paper around your card:

I encourage you to refurbish cards for donating to a local group that could use them - nursing homes, churches, non profits, etc.  They will be most appreciative and it will give those beautiful cards another life!!


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