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Saturday, May 04, 2013

Tiny card

I created this tiny card for a challenge on one of my groups! I decided to mine my desk for the supplies for this card - surely I had enough there to make a tiny card!  Sure enough, I found the envelope and card front which was left over from a set I prepared for the parcels I sent my grandchildren a few weeks ago.  I stamped it with a background stamp that was sitting there.  I found the layered flower on my desk as well - leftover supplies from creating these tags.  I added a central decorative brad to hold the flower together and then dug into my bucket of "extras" to see if I could find a leaf - sure enough I found one!!  I found the greeting in my bucket of extra greetings.  I added a bit of watercolour and glued it to the back of the flower and did the same to the leaf.  Applied double sided tape to the back of all the elements and adhered it to the front of my tiny card!!    My desk is a bit cleaner and I have a tiny card to add to my card stash!!


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