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Monday, August 26, 2013

Serendipity and more cards

I introduced my young cardmaker to serendipity!! There are always little pieces of paper around when you have crafters and their house is no an exception.  I had brought along a variety of gold, red and green scraps (gift wrap, decorative paper, tissue paper, candy wrappers, card fronts, handmade paper, hand decorated paper,etc) which I culled from my stash. I had already ripped them into small pieces so all that was left to do was to glue them down onto quarter sheets of scrap cardstock. It matters not at all what the cardstock looks like
because in the end it is completely covered with scraps so you can easily use pieces that were botched with stamping or incorrectly printed or even junk mail if you want.
I made three pieces of serendipity paper and used parts of the third one to make these two cards.  I cut one strip of about 3/4", then trimmed it into squares which I layered onto several layers of coordinating cardstock to create the accent for this card.  I distressed the edges of the layers and added texture to the card front using pencil crayons.
For this card, I trimmed a large piece of serendipity into strips and layered them over two pieces of red cardstock on a yellow card front.  I discovered this ART stamped image which I coloured to coordinate with my colour scheme and then highlighted the letters with pencil and the black pencil crayon.  I added a little self adhesive vellum greeting on the lower left hand side.
She loved making serendipity sheets and cut different shapes out of hers.
Just goes to show you that even with basic supplies you can create some interesting and effective cards!



  1. Serindipity is so much fun!

  2. I just LOVE the way this looks. We did this in elementary school, and I completely forgot about it.
    I'm going to do it again this year for my Christmas cards. Thanks so much for reminding me - your cards are just marvelous!


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