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Monday, August 26, 2013

Young cardmaker!!

 I spent the last week with two of my grandchildren and it was wonderful to spend time with them.  The oldest loves to craft so we made cards together several times.  Here you can see the great cards she created!!  She is an inspiration!!  She does not second guess herself, she is not afraid to try (she cut out the little red embossed heart - inside and out) and she does not give up.  She makes art in all different sizes - you can see a little one there is a passport.  She was adding a drawing and an address on the inside.
We had basic supplies - her box of pencil crayons which included a few markers, a couple of pencils,
some wax crayons and one black pen, one pair of safety scissors, glue sticks, a few cardfronts and a small stack of cardstock pieces along with two clam shell cases of images from my stash and one of greetings.  No fancy machines, no embossing folders, etc and we had a wonderful time making cards!!

I am looking forward to many years of time spent creating with her!!

I hope you take the opportunity to craft with young people when they present themselves!!  They are so willing to try and we just need to let them be - no judgement or advice about our visions of their projects!!


1 comment:

  1. You are so lucky to have such a talented grandchild - but we know where that came from don't we ! :-)


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