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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fabric collage Christmas cards

 I created these little Christmas trees using this piece of fabric collage I made up the other day.  The trees measure 3" across the bottom and 4" tall.  I managed to get 20 little trees out of my 9" x 16" collage.  Each tree is embellished by hand with red sequins with yellow/gold petite seed beads centers.  Once embellished, I machine stitched the trees to a layer of white embossed cardstock incorporating a little tree trunk made of brown wool felt.  The stars were hand stitched into place and this layer was glued to a red card front.  I added a little colour printed greeting which was punched out with the SU Window punch.
I am super happy with these cards!!!!  If you click on them you will be able to check out the details.  You will see that my free motion stitching is not the best but for my first attempt I am happy.  Twenty cards for my stash!!



  1. Dawn Renee'12:28 pm

    I love your cards!! So charming, warm and pretty. Thank you for the inspiration.

  2. Anonymous2:04 pm

    Thank you thank you thank you! What a great idea! I have a number of scraps from making log cabin type Christmas placemats last year, this will be a neat project to use them up and to practice free motion on. Neat idea R.C.S

  3. Anonymous2:27 pm

    Do you have a picture of your collage before you cut it up? please ;o)

  4. You can check out the collage by clicking on the link in the post or following this link:

    Thanks for visiting!


  5. mustangrom2:22 pm

    Hi Therese
    I have to tell you (I'm so excited) hehe I put all my Christmas fabric scraps together and used a glue stick to adhere them to a piece of scrap fabric, then free motioned the heck out of it using up odd and old threads in greens, red and purple. Looked a right mess HAHA (sorry forgot to take a pic) BUT when I cut 3 inch strips (I cut from the back) then into triangles 2 1/2 at base, (my cards are small and thought 3"high and 2.5" at base would be just right) guess what? They came out GREAT. I will take some photos tomorrow! But I am so happy! ;o) thank you for the inspiration! ;o) RCS

  6. Awesome!! Thanks for sharing!! Would love to see your cards!! Do you have photos online anywhere you can link to??

    I will be trying the glue stick for situating my fabric - seems to be a much better way of keeping them in place before doing the free motion stitching!

    Thanks for visiting!!

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