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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

More little quilts!

I have finished off another bunch of little quilts!  I created these with quilting scraps that I received from my sister when I was up home a few weeks ago.  She and my Mom both quilt so I had emailed saying I would appreciate any small scraps they are willing to part with so I brought home a little bag of scraps from each of them.  My sister gave me a bunch of little pieces.  Some were pieced - off cuts of the quilting process. I decided to use some of these first so I backed them with fabric from my stash and stitched their edges!!  They look a little different than the ones that are one fabric on the front and a different one on the back like these, these and these but I am liking them!!  Mom gave me several larger pieces which I will incorporate as time goes on.  My ziploc baggie is getting quite full!!! Maybe I will make myself a cool cover for my Brene Brown art journal with them!!  It would work perfectly into the theme - The gifts of Imperfection!!  I will have to work out the placement but I bet I can leave a window so I can see my handlettered title through the cover!!  Teesha Moore has made all sorts of funky covers for her journals and is the inspiration for these little quilts.  I may even have to make a few more in a specific size to make it work or even in certain colours.  Will have to work that into the next batch of these little quilts.  That is the fun of being the creator!!  You just get to make what you need!!


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