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Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Chunky fat book page - in my garden

Joined a Chunky Book page swap on AFTCM with the theme of "What is in my garden?".  I thought a fairy in my garden would be perfect and hoped when I went digging into my stash I would find the page of stickers I recalled having at one time!!  Yeah - I found them!!
I started with a subtle blue and green 4" x 4" piece of decorated glossy photo paper which I created for this project.  I started by sponging the sky using a torn piece of paper to create the texture you see which sort of looks like clouds.  Next, I started sponging green using the same torn paper which created a bit of a layered forest background. I was careful not to put too much colour in the center where I was going to position my sticker.  Once I was finished with the green I applied my clear backed fairy sticker to the middle of the page.  Next, I stamped some evergreen trees in green on each side as well as some tall lavender flowers in front of them.  The bottom needed more colour so I sponged on some brown and added more texture by over stamping the area with my stipple stamp (SU).  I stamped "IN MY GARDEN" using a magnetic Making Memories alphabet stamp set using a metal mount.  I stamped the words in brown but they did not show up quite like I wanted them to so I went over them with a fine tipped marker in a coordinating colour. That was much better.  I added some faux stitching all the way around with the same marker and stapled on a little bit of ribbon.  I mounted this to a black layer, stamped the back with a flower stamp which I embossed with iridescent embossing powder (SU) and then added my info using a white gel marker!!  My page will be off to my partner this afternoon.
I am really enjoying sponging my backgrounds and it works just as well on plain cardstock as it did on this glossy photo paper.


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