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Friday, November 28, 2014

Giftie Mingle on By Hand group

These are my little gifties all wrapped and ready to go to my partners for the 2014 Giftie Mingle on the By Hand group.  The contents will be revealed here after Christmas once everyone has received and opened their little gifts.  It is always fun to participate in this mingle.  I have received some wonderful little pieces of art and lovely little gifts from this swap in years past.  
For packaging my little gifts I used a tag die to create an envelope.  I cut a strip of green decorative cardstock to 3 1/8" and folded it in half.  I was sure to place the fold above the bottom of the tag and the two sides within the sides of the tag on the die.  When I ran it through my Big Kick I cut both the front and the back to the crescent tag shape and because the fold did not reach the bottom of the tag my fold stayed intact.  I used alphabet packing tape to seal up both sides, inserted my little gift, added a bit of tissue paper on top and tied closed the envelope with red fiber including my little tag.  I stamped JOY (Quietfire) on the front of the tag in red and the back of the tag reads DAY 8 which is when my little gifts will be opened by all my swap partners.  


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