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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Artsy address labels

 It was time to make another batch of address labels so I thought I would document the process to inspire you to do the same.
I started by printing my address onto labels. Mine are 1" x 4" and I have printed 6 addresses on each label.  I used a word processing program to lay them out and laser printed them.  I am using this size of label because we bought LOTS of them for a couple of bucks at a garage sale years ago  - they are plentiful and inexpensive!!
Once printed I apply watercolour to them in a variety of colours using a large watercolour brush.  A person could just a easily sponge them with ink, rub them with chalk or colour them with pencils or crayons, etc!!!
Once they are coloured and dry I used my paper cutter to cut them apart which gave me strips of address labels in a wonderful variety of colours!!
Use what you have!!  There are a wide variety of labels available so pick what suits you and use a word processor to organize your addresses and print the labels.  Then, have some fun and make them pretty any colourful way you wish. They will be unique and the next time you make a batch experiment with a different colour medium or a different technique to make them all together different if you wish!!  Just another way to be creative!!


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