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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Another set of card that reuse a card

After making these two cards, I was digging through a container on my desk and found this small card which I had also received in a swap package a while back. I thought it would also be quite appropriate for making cards.  I used the front on the left hand side card.  I layered it onto purple, added some gold details with a gel pen and mounted a layered punchie greeting to the lower right hand corner.  All these elements were mounted to a red card front.  Love the beautiful travel theme!!
For the second card on the right hand side I used the back of the card.  It had information on the back so I needed to find a way to cover up the writing.  I found this colour printed punchie greeting that was the right colour and also perfectly hid the writing.  I added a red embossed layer behind the decorative layer, added a green ribbon and mounted this piece to a green card front.  I mounted the greeting punchie over the ribbon using 3D foam tape.  One will be added to my stash and the other is off to my other monthly card exchange partner.  


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