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Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Scrappy quilted heart ornaments

 I quilted up some heart ornaments for Christmas giving!!  I started with strips of mostly red printed fabric scraps and added a strip of white and a couple of patterned ones that include green and other colours just to give a good mix to the final product.  I made two pieces and stitched them together end to end.  I added a piece of batting and a backer in green patterned fabric with bears and Christmas lights.  I pinned them together and stitched along the length with red thread on the top and green thread in the bobbin. I made my own pattern using folded paper and pinned it to my fabric diagonally to make the best use of the piece and trimmed them out.  I got eight hearts!  I used red floss to blanket stitch the edges to finish them off nicely and used the end of the floss to create a hanger.  Handstitching is great for doing in the card on a trip so I finished them up on the weekend when we went to visit Dad for his birthday.  I laser printed buttons (Sweetly Scrapped) on cardstock, punched them out and sponged their edges and the two central holes.  I stitched them to my ornaments using red floss as well.

Loving the look of them and they are a wonderful scrappy project.  Triangular trees would make very efficient of a strip of green quilted fabric which I may try out next time.  Nice to have a few little gifts in your stash for last minute hostess gifts or for including in a card to a friend, etc.  


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