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Sunday, July 09, 2017

Birthday Card Set - Birthday card with a flourish

I am working on a set of cards as a prize for a family event.  They will be packaged in a clear plastic Ferrro Rocher chocolate box we received at Christmas in which they fit perfectly!!!  I always thought chocolate and cardmaking were supportive activities.  So this the first of many that will be included in this prize so you can check in and see the others as they are posted.

I am using #8 envelopes (6 1/2" x 3 5/8") for this project which are readily available locally.  In an effort to destash I am using large sheets of cardstock from Strathmore pads I bought years ago.  They have to be retrofitted a bit but it does allow me to use the scrap I cut off the end to finish off the cards I cut out of the sheet.  My cards are 6.25" x 3 3/8".

For this card I layered three strips of coordinating decorative paper on the front and added a die cut flourish (SX) which I cut from dark brown cardstock.  I cut the bottom portion of the flourish off and rearranged it to work better with my slim card which also allowed me to nestle my laser printed oval greeting (SU) (Birds Cards) within it.   I added just a hint of colour around the greeting to help it blend in using a large brush with very little brown watercolour.  


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